Our new forum is coming out in 3 days time. We are looking for people to join us to manage, promote and build this forum.
We seek couple of MODs to administer specific forum topics. You must be above 18 years old, matured, reliable, understanding, tolerant, jovial and bright. If you got prior experience running a forum, that would be great, but we welcome those who are willing to learn. Please contact our coordinator Henriktommy at henriktommy@hotmail.com stating your name, age, sex, experience, location, dedicated time and which forum topics you’re interested in.
If you are a movie, TV, music, application, games or even e-book rippers, we need you as uploaders. You must be reliable and bright. If you don’t have experience we will guide you and show you the trade, because we welcome those who are willing to learn. Please contact our coordinator Henriktommy at henriktommy@hotmail.com stating your name, age, sex, experience, location, dedicated time and what topics are you interested in.
We provide incentives and special access for Moderators and Uploaders.