Rate The DVD Rip Quality
For the benefit of all, in regards to DVD Rip quality, we decided to place a rating widget for every movie posted in here. We will personally rate movies’ quality, but we need everyone’s corporation by contributing your own personal views after downloading and watching a movie. If more people start rating, we will gradually have a successful information database. This information will help everyone to decide if they wish to download a specific movie based on its DVD Rip quality. By the way, please do not rate the movie because we are looking at the clearness of the picture and sound, not a review on the movie. Your honest opinion will be much appreciated and please don’t abuse the rating system.
Why are we doing this?
We are doing this so that everyone would know beforehand the standard of a ripped DVD. None of us like to spend hours downloading a movie, and end-up disappointed because the movie quality sucks. I call it a "rip off" not a DVD Rip.
Here is what you should do before you start rating…….
What is Sportback?
Spotback is a personalized rating system that recommends relevant content based on personal rating history using collaborative filtering and aggregated knowledge technologies. When embedding the Spotback technology onto your website you are providing your users a unique personal online experience. When they rate your content, they will immediately be exposed to more relevant content from your website. This results in longer visit lengths, increase in page views and guaranteed user satisfaction.
What should I do to start rating?
Use the Spotback 'Rate This!' browser button to rate everything on the net! Your rating history will be saved to provide you with personalized content in a single place at http://spotback.com. The more you rate, the more personalized your online experience will be.
Spotback for......* Receiving personal recommendations and top rated content* Meeting like-minded people* Enjoying the wisdom of the crowed* Discovering great content even when you don't know what you are looking for.
Get the Spotback Rate This! browser button
You are not required to have a Spotback account to rate, but it's highly recommended to have one because you will benefit from its tracking and editing.
Why register?
Creating an account allows you to access and manage your rated movies and if you are a site owner, you can create your personal rating and recommended content widget. Moreover it’s FREE.
How do I rate a Movie DVD Rip Quality?There is a plain slider containing everything you'll need like above. The slider is located at the footer of each posted movie. Just slide the slider and rate. If you wish to leave a tag, just type it in. We would recommend you to use “single” words for tagging. Before you start rating , we recommend you to register and have an account with Sporback, but you can still rate without one.
Where to review the Rating InformationLook for the above Junkies Recommendation box, like above. Usually located on the right sidebar. You can also find it at the footer of each movie as a pop up. This box is compact but full of information and useful content discovery tools, like top ratings, recommendations, tags and recent raters in the site. This box will eventually help you decide, moreover select your downloads.
That’s all folks, START YOUR RATING NOW!
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